Monthly Archive: September, 2011

The gentleman’s recognition


Hello there, Since the so called ‘award season’ is upon us once again like a thirsty gentleman on an aged Scotch collection, I have decided to inform you about the recognition that you… Continue reading

The gentleman’s locomotive


Good day, Some people may tell you that a gentleman never takes public transport. This is grossly untrue, and the person saying this may be suffering the cognitive effects of syphilis. You may… Continue reading

Fighting Nazis Part 2: Being Captured


Hello there, To continue our informative guide on fighting Nazis we shall begin on lesson two, being captured.  Now you may think that this is an odd lesson to learn but it is… Continue reading

The gentleman’s communication


Hello there, Since the dawn of gentlemen (445BC {Before Connery}) and even before that, during the formative stages of gentlemen when Cro-Magnon cavemen were rolling boulders away from their cave openings for their… Continue reading