Category Archive: Gentleman Transport

The Gentleman Blog turns two… and a bit


Hello there, As you may well have noticed, we here at The Gentleman Blog have had a brief, yet lengthy, hiatus. This has been due to our expedition to the South Pole, where… Continue reading

A gentleman’s summer activities


Hello there, For anyone living in the southern hemisphere or for all those gentlemen who will be migrating south from the cold northern winter, you may be aware that tomorrow begins three deliciously… Continue reading

The gentleman inventor


Hello there, After an extended hiatus – during which I solved a murder mystery on a train between Paris and Istanbul and uncovered the holy jade Xiuhcoatl in a previously unexplored Aztec temple… Continue reading

The gentleman’s locomotive


Good day, Some people may tell you that a gentleman never takes public transport. This is grossly untrue, and the person saying this may be suffering the cognitive effects of syphilis. You may… Continue reading

The Gentleman in literature


Hello there, A great source of a gentleman’s knowledge about gentlemanly activities, traits, habits and dress come from some quintessential gentlemen who never existed. These are gentlemen who can be found sitting in… Continue reading

The Gentleman’s 100th article


Hello there, Today is a momentous day in the history of The Gentleman Blog. No it’s not Talk Like William Shatner Day or some such; it is in fact the 100th anniversary of… Continue reading

The gentleman aviator


Good day, Living in the 21st century has its pros (e.g. GPS navigation helps me and my yacht avoid the more dangerous areas of Lake Griffith),  but also many cons. One of which… Continue reading

The gentleman’s bicycle


Good day, Every good gentleman knows how to travel in style. And there is one mode of transport, that we have neglected so far, the humble bicycle. A gentleman values the dual purpose… Continue reading

The nautical gentleman


Well hello again, The relationship between man and boat has a rich and intriguing history. I will not go into the details here, except to say that gentlemen invented the boat many years… Continue reading

A Gentleman’s own transportation


To fellow gentlemen, When one becomes bushed from using the public transport system, the gentleman can choose to purchase an automobile of his own. Given that your particular vehicle must suit your appearance… Continue reading